Panel Discussion on
The Future of Multi-Cultural Britain

Group work:

A successful businessperson of Asian origin (Sarwar/Namita Ahmed)

1.  UK Asians doing OK
2.  Asian Success Stories
3.  UK Curry Queen
7.  Generations - the south Asian experience
Andreas Bruckhaus, Daniel Lurz
(positive contributions of Asian immigrants to British society and economy)

A conservative white student (Brian/Eva Smith)
4.  Multiculturalism the Wembley way
5.  Minorties younger but poorer
6.  Opininon-This influx must stop
Katharina Matull, Christina Duhr
(criticism of immigration in its present form)

A young Asian woman/man in an arranged marriage
8.  Are Asian family values the future
10. How Sita and Deepak met
11. Judge prevents forced marriage
12. TV marriage - Pakistani style
Andreas Beuteführ, Susanne Baalbaki
(different family values and customs, can they be integrated into British life?)

A grammar school senior of Asian descent
9.  Our Untold Stories
13. Gujarati Muslim Community Gloucestershire
14. Asian stories Gloucestershire Umara Hussain
Katharina Kohtz, Maike Hammann
(more general information about the history of immigration)

The host
(the host has to know all the texts at least superficially)
Patrick Jawoscheck, Moritz Gamper, Frederik Ahlers
(mediates, suggests topics, asks questions where necessary)